switchboard service

This service provides the capabilities of a corporate office telephone switchboard without the need to buy and maintain one. It can be customised to provide a range of facilities that best suit the manner in which you wish to present your company or image.

The standard facilities provided by the Switchboard are :

  1. All calls are answered by a voice menu (eg 'Press 1 for Sales, press 2 for Support' etc) that is fully configurable via the web. The configuration options includes the ability to create message prompts through text-to-speech conversion.
  2. Fax line. The system will allow for fax calls to be received. When this occurs the system will transfer the call to a fax line which wil convert the incoming fax to an email before sending to the nominated address.
  3. 10 options available (keys 0 to 9).
  4. Welcome message and Menu Options message, menu message is repeatable.
  5. Timeout options allow the running of a different service if no option is selected.
  6. Menu can be repeated 1 to 9 times if no option is selected.

Note: In the Callagenix environment the Switchboard simply acts as a voice menu for your other services, such as Answerphone, Call Diversion, Information Line and Group Divert etc, rather than performing these functions itself. You should set these services up before creating the Switchboard.

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For more information on how this service is set up, click here.

For details of other services, click here.